Last chance people, here's my list - if you're not on it, you haven't acted this turn -
Zalidor - wakes up below deck and heads to the rock island
AgentCel - Heads to the rock island
X'o'lore - Looks around
NightLord - cooks a meal with is ingredients, a seagull and an oven
RightClickScott - (now ReallyCleanSocks) Drinks, then tries to swim and call out the pirates at the same time.
Slick - enters the staircase
Trireme - climbs a tall tree to try to scout the island, possibly grab a coconut
Amoeba Boy - drinks, Looks at his surroundings (looking for the person who left the blood drops)
Takeru - Continues down the stairs
deku12345 - Continues down the stairs
Melted JohnnyCake - Continues down the stairs
hlavco - Looks around in the light, follows deku and johnnycake
God - Continues down the stairs, and drinks
MrCheeze - Drinks, looks around, and ducks (just in case)
Geoko - Attempts to cast "light."
((I got booted off the list apparently! If no one wants to write in an extra story for me, that's fine, and I'm not just trying to make a point by being annoying, I honestly don't mind if my character sort of commits suicide. These things are just as fun to read ))
((I don't understand what the title is supposed to mean. I'm not going anywhere!! Well I guess I did go to Target last night, but that's probably not what it means. Then again maybe you guys like Target as much as I do (though that's unlikely )))
((I like LostWinds, don't get me wrong. I'd easily recommend it to anyone that enjoys a unique platformer. It just has no bearing on this game's lack of updates.
But yeah, open audition for new DM. Be forewarned: this game is a huge friggin' timesink. Next time I set one of these up, everyone will be in a unified party. All the splitting paths made it a daunting, and overall tiring, task.))
(BAH. Ruin all my fun...or...something...whatever...I'd take the position...but I suck at DMing and it would probably update slower then it was when you were making it.)
((Mario's controlling us so that we're roleplaying! OHNOES.
Fight the power!
Actually, scratch that, don't fight the power guys. The power is cool, unlike people who don't clearly indicate that they're posting messages outside the context of the role-playing.))
((I've imagined this entire thread to consist of huddled people whispering to each other. If anyone does want to revive this, count me back in, it would be a shame to see it revived and to not be a part of it anymore. Hey Mario, I really did enjoy your DMing so if you ever wanted to start it up again you could always just kinda start over to make it easier for yourself... I mean, I'm sure the splitting of paths wasn't the only thing tim consuming, I'm not saying it was. But really!! You could still have fun with this, say "And all of you are zapped into one convenient location. You decide what to do" And then pick what you like best. I don't want this thread to completely die off!))
((Believe be, I had a lot of fun running this. It was my first real DM experience, and I think I've learned a lot from it that I'd be able to apply to future sessions. I just sort of let this particular one get out of hand, and didn't plan very far ahead in terms of plot progression; almost everything that happened was in direct response to player choices and whim and fancy. I don't want it to disappear without a conclusion either, which is why I'm hoping Geoff picks it up. He told me he'd be sad to give up his character though. ^__^
I dunno, maybe I'll sit down and write out the events in advance so the plot can move more briskly.))
((Therein lies the problem. It's a pain in the ass tracking everyone's different storylines, which is what made this game so unwieldy by round eight.))
Last chance people, here's my list - if you're not on it, you haven't acted this turn -
Zalidor - wakes up below deck and heads to the rock island
AgentCel - Heads to the rock island
X'o'lore - Looks around
NightLord - cooks a meal with is ingredients, a seagull and an oven
RightClickScott - (now ReallyCleanSocks) Drinks, then tries to swim and call out the pirates at the same time.
Slick - enters the staircase
Trireme - climbs a tall tree to try to scout the island, possibly grab a coconut
Amoeba Boy - drinks, Looks at his surroundings (looking for the person who left the blood drops)
Takeru - Continues down the stairs
deku12345 - Continues down the stairs
Melted JohnnyCake - Continues down the stairs
hlavco - Looks around in the light, follows deku and johnnycake
God - Continues down the stairs, and drinks
MrCheeze - Drinks, looks around, and ducks (just in case)
Geoko - Attempts to cast "light."
[L]ook for new one))
Continue [L]ooking for a new one))
But yeah, open audition for new DM. Be forewarned: this game is a huge friggin' timesink. Next time I set one of these up, everyone will be in a unified party. All the splitting paths made it a daunting, and overall tiring, task.))
I say we don't need to be roleplaying to enjoy drunken fun!))
The choice is obvious.))
Fight the power!
Actually, scratch that, don't fight the power guys. The power is cool, unlike people who don't clearly indicate that they're posting messages outside the context of the role-playing.))
I dunno, maybe I'll sit down and write out the events in advance so the plot can move more briskly.))