((Nothing's over, I just haven't had ample free time to devote precious neurons to the subject. There will be followup stories, and there will be an exciting climactic ending. There may be weeping!))
((Also: don't bump the thread for the sake of bumping. If you've taken your turn, try not to post too much. It's harder for me to look through the thread for actions when it's full of commentary and bumps. I'm not going to dissuade comments entirely, but try to avoid unnecessary clutter.))
((geoko takes the speedbump too quickly. His car flies through the air and crashes into an overpass, creating a spectacular explosion. Luckily for him, he is teleported out at the last possible second and is sent to the year 2009. Unluckily for him, they only brought him there to put someone else's consciousness into his body, destroying the geoko we all know and love forever.
Luckily for him, this is commented out. But seriously guys, go watch Freejack.))
((Also: don't bump the thread for the sake of bumping. If you've taken your turn, try not to post too much. It's harder for me to look through the thread for actions when it's full of commentary and bumps. I'm not going to dissuade comments entirely, but try to avoid unnecessary clutter.))
((Ooh, a post of support? You could consolidate all the actions taken in the last turn for me, so I have them all neatly compiled together. That way, I'll be able to more easily pen the next turn in one sitting.))
Trireme decides he doesn't even want to deal with this creepy noise-in-the-darkness crap, and turns back to the surface. Out in the sunlight, he begins to scan the horizon for anything interesting. A thick layer of fog obscures his vision of anything of interest to the north. The ship remains wrecked against the rocks to the east. Across the horizon in all directions, there is nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of calm ocean and clear skies. A steady breeze feels soothing against his sunbaked skin, but there really is nothing to see in this immediate part of the world. Which part of the world is this again? he wonders to himself. It didn't occur to him until now that the storm could have carried them far off-course from... well, wherever it was they were headed. Presently, he notices that Slick and Hamelin are approaching from the ship toward his location atop the rock island. TRIREME IS NOW A ROCK ISLANDER.
The rest of the explorin' gang ain't scared of nothin'!
Those without illumination-assistance tools (namely: hlavco, Takeru, MrCheeze and geoko with his familiar's accountant Carlyle) reach out their hands and fumble around blindly looking for things of interest. Mostly they bump into the cavern walls and each other. The walls and stairs are composed of some form of rock, and are cool to the touch. The stairwell's carving is uneven, probably done by human hands, without the assistance of heavy machinery. The air is stale. Everything is covered in a thin layer of dust. It's clear that whoever made these caverns probably hasn't been there for a very long time.
The peeps with lights (deku12345, god and Melted Jhonnycake) all laugh at their relatively blind companions and their pitiful attempts to get a bearing on the situation, then wield their tools of illumination to get a somewhat more intelligent view of their surroundings. deku12345 directs his flame-engulfed hand toward a nearby wall and notices an inscription carved into it. He reads the text aloud, though the first few words have been worn down to illegibility over the ages:
Something about a growling duck? Perhaps the original builders of this cavern were not quite right in the head. Still, probably worth remembering.
Melted Jhonnycake holds the legendary Triforce of Courage in front of him at arm's length to provide a steady light source to the immediate surrounding area. He can see the staircase extending downward for a few dozen feet ahead, but anything beyond that is obscured in darkness. Looking up, he sees that the ceiling is low (about eight feet high) and appears to have some sort of single rail system built into it.
god takes a swig of ale, then looks through his magic sunglasses. Their ability to pierce all shadows means he can see much further than anyone. The staircase appears to continue downward about five hundred feet, opening into a narrow hallway that itself continues a few hundred feet before making a sharp left turn. Amoeba Boy and NoLonger are collapsed in a pile at the bottom of the staircase. They'll have to get closer for him to see anything more.
After what seems like months of tumbling, Amoeba Boy and NoLonger finally come to a rest at the bottom. Both take a quick bite of coconut as they come to their senses. The immediate area seems to be slightly better-lit than the staircase, though no light source is immediately apparent. As their eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, they see a hallway stretch out in front of them, ending in a sharp turn to the left.
The growling sound repeats itself, much louder this time. The noise reverberates throughout the cavern for several seconds, then stops. It did not seem to come from any place in particular, but the increased intensity was probably obscuring its origin.
Agentcel wakes up, fully refreshed and sobered. X'o'Lore takes a few gulps of liquor. Slick and Hamelin make their way to the rock island, where they spot Trireme scouting the horizon. SLICK AND HAMELIN ARE NOW ROCK ISLANDERS.
illithid235 decides not to risk bodily harm with uninformed superpower-testing, opting instead to take a nice safe nap. He has a dream about rain falling in reverse, then freezing solid in midair. The dream continues with his teeth falling out, and then he's naked while speaking in public. Weird stuff, man.
Mish42 decides to ignore the very interesting rope with a potentially cool thing on the other end, opting instead to call out for help then retreat below-decks for booze-hunting. A large chunk of hull appears to have been gouged from the ship's side during the crash, and most of the crates of supplies have floated far out to sea. There do not appear to be any rum reserves down here, but since most of it was kept up top for the voyage, she figures there's still plenty left to go around. Amazingly, a single suitcase remained onboard through the whole sea serpent incident, though not unscathed: in the violent tossing about of the ship in the storm, the trunk apparently bashed into the wall, breaking its lock. It should be a piece of cake to open.
Night Lord barely can finish verbalizing his request, when all the cookery items he mentioned appear around him. The apron drapes around his neck and ties itself with a magical flourish, and he's ready to cook.
rightclickscott lets loose a mighty "Yarrrr!" to call upon the assistance of his pirate friends. After several moments of silence, he hears a faint [size=-1]"Yarrrr!"[/size] return his call from the north. He repeats with added vigor: "YARRRRRR!!!", and another delayed reply sounds forth: [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] The fog is as thick as ever, so he can't be sure how far off the pirates might be, but he might want to consider swimming closer so they can pinpoint his location and pick him up and give him a parrot for his shoulder. Then again, the ocean might be carrying their cries in odd directions, so they might not even be to the north at all. If he continues to belt out the Pirate Cry, they might have better success steering their ship toward his location, and then the parrot stuff again.
[size=+3]Episode 1, Turn 9: The Rock Islanders[/size]
Trireme, Slick and Hamelin convene atop the rock island. Trireme brings the newcomers up to speed regarding there being a dark staircase of indeterminate depth and growling sounds. They all look down it for a moment before he continues with his horizony observations. Hamelin holds his hands in his pockets, silently palming the hidden gold coins. Slick performs a similar action with his catch of the day, wondering why he stuck the slimy fish in his pocket without wrapping it in newspaper or something. Should still be good eating later.
The group suddenly hears a faint [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] off in the distance, in the general vicinity of the strange fog. A moment later, another [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] is heard, seemingly in response. Then, almost as if it were yet another response, the fog appears to slowly expand in size. Presently, it appears to be moving toward their wrecked ship. This might be a little worrisome to the superstitious, but on the other hand, it's just fog.
Keep <L> ooking around for interesting tidbits (if you have no light source, feel free to bask in the localized glow of deku12345's or Melted Jhonnycake's for increased probability of success)
<C> ontinue down the stairs
<T> urn back toward the surface and join up with the Rock Islanders
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Guards, you:
<H> ead over to the rock island and join up with the Rock Islanders
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Rock Islanders, you:
<D> escend the staircase and join up with the Explorers
Go back to the <S> hip and join up with the Guards
Go back to the <SH> ip and warn the drunk lazy Guards about the creepy fog
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Amoeba Boy and NoLonger, you:
Go down the <H> allway ahead of the group
<W> ait for other Explorers to catch up
<L> ook at your immediate surroundings
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Mish42, you:
<O> pen the suitcase and raid its contents for all they're worth
<R> eturn to the deck
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
rightclickscott, you:
<SW> im in the direction of the pirate cries
Stay where you are and <CA> ll out another loud "YARRRRRRRR!!!!" to help the pirates find you
Use your <push-broom>
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
((I think Geoff wins for meta-gaming.))
((reporting for duty sir))
((also I haven't been playing this game))
EDIT: ((whoops didn't see the 8th page sry mario))
((shhhh... you're gonna blow my cover... again.))
Luckily for him, this is commented out. But seriously guys, go watch Freejack.))
You guys fail at listening.))
|[Nope, just Agentcel.]|
|[I was mearly making an honest post!
Trireme decides he doesn't even want to deal with this creepy noise-in-the-darkness crap, and turns back to the surface. Out in the sunlight, he begins to scan the horizon for anything interesting. A thick layer of fog obscures his vision of anything of interest to the north. The ship remains wrecked against the rocks to the east. Across the horizon in all directions, there is nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of calm ocean and clear skies. A steady breeze feels soothing against his sunbaked skin, but there really is nothing to see in this immediate part of the world. Which part of the world is this again? he wonders to himself. It didn't occur to him until now that the storm could have carried them far off-course from... well, wherever it was they were headed. Presently, he notices that Slick and Hamelin are approaching from the ship toward his location atop the rock island. TRIREME IS NOW A ROCK ISLANDER.
The rest of the explorin' gang ain't scared of nothin'!
Those without illumination-assistance tools (namely: hlavco, Takeru, MrCheeze and geoko with his familiar's accountant Carlyle) reach out their hands and fumble around blindly looking for things of interest. Mostly they bump into the cavern walls and each other. The walls and stairs are composed of some form of rock, and are cool to the touch. The stairwell's carving is uneven, probably done by human hands, without the assistance of heavy machinery. The air is stale. Everything is covered in a thin layer of dust. It's clear that whoever made these caverns probably hasn't been there for a very long time.
The peeps with lights (deku12345, god and Melted Jhonnycake) all laugh at their relatively blind companions and their pitiful attempts to get a bearing on the situation, then wield their tools of illumination to get a somewhat more intelligent view of their surroundings. deku12345 directs his flame-engulfed hand toward a nearby wall and notices an inscription carved into it. He reads the text aloud, though the first few words have been worn down to illegibility over the ages:
Something about a growling duck? Perhaps the original builders of this cavern were not quite right in the head. Still, probably worth remembering.
Melted Jhonnycake holds the legendary Triforce of Courage in front of him at arm's length to provide a steady light source to the immediate surrounding area. He can see the staircase extending downward for a few dozen feet ahead, but anything beyond that is obscured in darkness. Looking up, he sees that the ceiling is low (about eight feet high) and appears to have some sort of single rail system built into it.
god takes a swig of ale, then looks through his magic sunglasses. Their ability to pierce all shadows means he can see much further than anyone. The staircase appears to continue downward about five hundred feet, opening into a narrow hallway that itself continues a few hundred feet before making a sharp left turn. Amoeba Boy and NoLonger are collapsed in a pile at the bottom of the staircase. They'll have to get closer for him to see anything more.
After what seems like months of tumbling, Amoeba Boy and NoLonger finally come to a rest at the bottom. Both take a quick bite of coconut as they come to their senses. The immediate area seems to be slightly better-lit than the staircase, though no light source is immediately apparent. As their eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, they see a hallway stretch out in front of them, ending in a sharp turn to the left.
The growling sound repeats itself, much louder this time. The noise reverberates throughout the cavern for several seconds, then stops. It did not seem to come from any place in particular, but the increased intensity was probably obscuring its origin.
Agentcel wakes up, fully refreshed and sobered. X'o'Lore takes a few gulps of liquor. Slick and Hamelin make their way to the rock island, where they spot Trireme scouting the horizon. SLICK AND HAMELIN ARE NOW ROCK ISLANDERS.
illithid235 decides not to risk bodily harm with uninformed superpower-testing, opting instead to take a nice safe nap. He has a dream about rain falling in reverse, then freezing solid in midair. The dream continues with his teeth falling out, and then he's naked while speaking in public. Weird stuff, man.
Mish42 decides to ignore the very interesting rope with a potentially cool thing on the other end, opting instead to call out for help then retreat below-decks for booze-hunting. A large chunk of hull appears to have been gouged from the ship's side during the crash, and most of the crates of supplies have floated far out to sea. There do not appear to be any rum reserves down here, but since most of it was kept up top for the voyage, she figures there's still plenty left to go around. Amazingly, a single suitcase remained onboard through the whole sea serpent incident, though not unscathed: in the violent tossing about of the ship in the storm, the trunk apparently bashed into the wall, breaking its lock. It should be a piece of cake to open.
Night Lord barely can finish verbalizing his request, when all the cookery items he mentioned appear around him. The apron drapes around his neck and ties itself with a magical flourish, and he's ready to cook.
rightclickscott lets loose a mighty "Yarrrr!" to call upon the assistance of his pirate friends. After several moments of silence, he hears a faint [size=-1]"Yarrrr!"[/size] return his call from the north. He repeats with added vigor: "YARRRRRR!!!", and another delayed reply sounds forth: [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] The fog is as thick as ever, so he can't be sure how far off the pirates might be, but he might want to consider swimming closer so they can pinpoint his location and pick him up and give him a parrot for his shoulder. Then again, the ocean might be carrying their cries in odd directions, so they might not even be to the north at all. If he continues to belt out the Pirate Cry, they might have better success steering their ship toward his location, and then the parrot stuff again.
Trireme, Slick and Hamelin convene atop the rock island. Trireme brings the newcomers up to speed regarding there being a dark staircase of indeterminate depth and growling sounds. They all look down it for a moment before he continues with his horizony observations. Hamelin holds his hands in his pockets, silently palming the hidden gold coins. Slick performs a similar action with his catch of the day, wondering why he stuck the slimy fish in his pocket without wrapping it in newspaper or something. Should still be good eating later.
The group suddenly hears a faint [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] off in the distance, in the general vicinity of the strange fog. A moment later, another [size=-1]"YARRRRRR!!!"[/size] is heard, seemingly in response. Then, almost as if it were yet another response, the fog appears to slowly expand in size. Presently, it appears to be moving toward their wrecked ship. This might be a little worrisome to the superstitious, but on the other hand, it's just fog.
Explorers, you:
Keep <L> ooking around for interesting tidbits (if you have no light source, feel free to bask in the localized glow of deku12345's or Melted Jhonnycake's for increased probability of success)
<C> ontinue down the stairs
<T> urn back toward the surface and join up with the Rock Islanders
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Guards, you:
<H> ead over to the rock island and join up with the Rock Islanders
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Rock Islanders, you:
<D> escend the staircase and join up with the Explorers
Go back to the <S> hip and join up with the Guards
Go back to the <SH> ip and warn the drunk lazy Guards about the creepy fog
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Amoeba Boy and NoLonger, you:
Go down the <H> allway ahead of the group
<W> ait for other Explorers to catch up
<L> ook at your immediate surroundings
Use an <item> if you've got one to use
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Mish42, you:
<O> pen the suitcase and raid its contents for all they're worth
<R> eturn to the deck
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
rightclickscott, you:
<SW> im in the direction of the pirate cries
Stay where you are and <CA> ll out another loud "YARRRRRRRR!!!!" to help the pirates find you
Use your <push-broom>
<DR> ink
(and of course, any other natural action you might have at your disposal)
Agentcel (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: musket (weapon)) {sober}
Amoeba Boy (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: coconuts (food)) {.045}
deku12345 (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: fire (weapon; see in dark), shovel) {.012} (HAND ON FIRE)
geoko (Explorer, Sailor, Mage (summon familiar)) (equipment: none) {.075} (SUMMONED: Carlyle the Accountant)
god (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: magic sunglasses (see in dark)) {.09}
Hamelin (Rock Islander, Sailor) (equipment: gold coins) {.024}
hlavco (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: Sting (weapon; see in dark in presence of orcs)) {.009}
illithid235 (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: pearl (unknown effect)) {.054} (NAPPING)
Melted Jhonnycake (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: Triforce of Courage (see in dark; infuse with courage)) {.057}
Mish42 (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: none) {.018}
MrCheeze (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {sober}
Night Lord (Guard, Sailor, Chef (prepare food)) (equipment: Cookware Seagull 5000™ (summon cooking accessories), fishing pole, rotisserie oven, marinade syringe, plastic mixing bowl, mixing spoon, cup, 'Kiss The Chef' apron (clothing), scallions (food), red wine (drink), olive oil (ingredient), soy sauce (ingredient), garlic (ingredient), brown sugar (ingredient), Worcestershire sauce (ingredient), ginger (ingredient)) {.024}
NoLonger (Explorer, Seagull (flight; animal speech; no actions requiring thumbs)) (equipment: none) {.054}
rightclickscott (Guard, Sailor) (equipment: push-broom) {.081}
Slick (Rock Islander, Sailor) (equipment: fishing pole, fish (food)) {.075}
Takeru (Explorer, Sailor) (equipment: none) {sober}
Trireme (Rock Islander, Sailor) (equipment: none) {sober}
X'o'Lore (Guard, Sailor, Half-merman (breathe underwater; marine animal speech)) (equipment: none) {.042}