Wait until the hammer wielder wakes up. Try to convince him his life would be much more fulfilling and a lot richer(in food) if he helps you defeat the Mole King and save that recent guy who he smacked on the head.
Wait until the hammer wielder wakes up. Try to convince him his life would be much more fulfilling and a lot richer(in food) if he helps you defeat the Mole King and save that recent guy who he smacked on the head.
I agree. I think this guy has earned a redemption. Convince him that with the might of three warriors, the Mole King could be overcome and peace could once again fill this dark and dreary place.
H'es probably there bacause he figures you'd be going to save the other dude. He's got a big hammer and a past. He'd make a grand character to join the party. Just have a talk like they said, give him a name, and be on your way to save the other guy.
Wait until the hammer wielder wakes up. Try to convince him his life would be much more fulfilling and a lot richer(in food) if he helps you defeat the Mole King and save that recent guy who he smacked on the head.
I agree. I think this guy has earned a redemption. Convince him that with the might of three warriors, the Mole King could be overcome and peace could once again fill this dark and dreary place.
H'es probably there bacause he figures you'd be going to save the other dude. He's got a big hammer and a past. He'd make a grand character to join the party. Just have a talk like they said, give him a name, and be on your way to save the other guy.
Hey, wake up.
Ahhh! Watch it!
I know what you're doing kid. I don't think it's a very good idea.
He's always surly when he's woken up from a nap...
Give him a pep talk. "Is it a good idea to resort to banditry and do nothing to stop this king?" "Better to go down fighting than just tolerate this tyranny." That sort of thing. And if that doesn't work, pull out your potentially badass potentially beam sword and hope it impresses him enough to join the fight.
Come on, men never REALLY have any say, just use your womanly ways to induce a flashback to the times when he had a good heart, and convince him to help. (Then get him to buy you a car.)
Give him a pep talk. "Is it a good idea to resort to banditry and do nothing to stop this king?" "Better to go down fighting than just tolerate this tyranny." That sort of thing. And if that doesn't work, pull out your potentially badass potentially beam sword and hope it impresses him enough to join the fight.
Is it a good idea to resort to banditry and do nothing to stop this king? Better to go down fighting than just tolerate this tyranny.
Fine, do whatever the hell you want. Throw your life away, I don't care.
Renew your verbal assault to awaken his inner hero. "What life? We ceased to live when we just accepted this unjust rule. This isn't about throwing anything away. This is about taking our lives back! Help me rescue that poor boy and, together, we can be free!"
Yay for using idealistic propaganda to further one's own purposes.
You might as well follow him. He's going the way you're heading anyway. It might be better to have a little help on your mission, so keep trying to convince him.
You might as well follow him. He's going the way you're heading anyway. It might be better to have a little help on your mission, so keep trying to convince him.
That was surprisingly easy to climb up.
There's smoke coming out of that strange door there.
Feel the door with the back of your hand. If it's hot, don't open it. If it isn't hot, open it slowly and peek in. If it is locked, hit it with the fish. Doors can't stand fish.
I agree. I think this guy has earned a redemption. Convince him that with the might of three warriors, the Mole King could be overcome and peace could once again fill this dark and dreary place.
Say hi and go right through.
Hey, wake up.
Ahhh! Watch it!
I know what you're doing kid. I don't think it's a very good idea.
He's always surly when he's woken up from a nap...
Is it a good idea to resort to banditry and do nothing to stop this king? Better to go down fighting than just tolerate this tyranny.
Fine, do whatever the hell you want. Throw your life away, I don't care.
Yay for using idealistic propaganda to further one's own purposes.
That was surprisingly easy to climb up.
There's smoke coming out of that strange door there.
I think he's trying to burn the man alive to teach you a lesson for your insolence. Go save him!
If the door's locked, hold the light bulb above your head so you get an idea of what to do.