Folks, I'm sorry, but NaNoWriMo starts on Thursday and I'm going to pour all of my effort into that. This is going on break probably until December.
Shit, it does. I've actually been waiting for this years, but I have way too much to deal with to even begin to focus on that. I guess I'm gonna miss another one.
If someone else would like to do an Adventure thread, by all means.
I nominate and elect myself.
All of your wildest suggestons will be taken.
Shit, it does. I've actually been waiting for this years, but I have way too much to deal with to even begin to focus on that. I guess I'm gonna miss another one.
I never liked him anyway. Quick! Break it open!
You sure about this?
Fine, I'll wait out here.
I wonder if this is really a good idea...
Oh no... At least he's bandaged up, but how am I going to open this gate?
I don't even think he could bust through these bars.
Did you try pushing it?
They're solid freaking bars, alright?
Panels 101 - 200, animated
Also, look at the pictures, there's something to be done.
By the by, here's the inventory.
I have a lot of crap in my pockets...
*duh dun tsss!*