I'm Making a Comic!

edited September 2010 in Comics
Okay, I was going to use my other thread. But....this isn't a sprite comic, so I'm making this thread. I felt that I'm beyond sprite comics, and I don't have to use sprites instead of drawing on my own. No offence, Mario, you work harder than anyone, but I felt that I wanted to show my actually artistic ability. That being said, here's the first page of my comic. I've decided that my comic is going to be a short one, only about 10 pages long-it's not going to be a sereis. It's going to be a long, drawn-out battle of Link versus Dark Link. I'm putting all of the effort I can, and I hope that this is to all of your liking. You can critizie this if you want to, but bear in mind that I absolutely suck at horses. This page came out pretty good I think. Here it is!



  • edited October 2006
    I take no offense! I'm (eventually going to be) hard at work on a comic that doesn't use sprites at all!

    I really love the shading on your drawings. Don't feel too bad about the horses; this is the best one I've ever made. ^_^
  • edited October 2006
    So far, so good. I like how Link's so eager and trusting. Mysterious voice says "jump", Link says "how high?" Or he may just be really happy because it said "bring your sword and shield".
  • edited October 2006
    mario wrote: »
    I take no offense! I'm (eventually going to be) hard at work on a comic that doesn't use sprites at all!

    I really love the shading on your drawings. Don't feel too bad about the horses; this is the best one I've ever made. ^_^

    Devo Revo returns? Or some new super magical wikicool comic project?

    Also: Agentcel, cool, very cool.

    And link is no stranger to obeying strange voices, look at the intro to LTTP.
  • edited October 2006
    Yup, I guess he is really trusting...then again...what does he have to be afraid of? heh heh...I'll make another page soon.
  • edited October 2006
    Not bad at all. I'm actually very impressed at this first page. Some proper work with a good image editing program like photoshop (or I hear gimp works pretty well, and it's free.) could possibly turn that into something very finished with nice smooth lines and even color if you know how to use them. Yet I almost like the gritty, scribble-line work to some degree. I just think this line style begs for a larger size. The shading is very nice, though in my case, my schooling has taught me to note that it is still a bit sloppy for lighting work, but if you're only 13 I could hardly expect you to know stuff I only recently learned in college.
    I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  • edited October 2006
    Yes...page two should be done tomarrow!
  • edited October 2006
    mario wrote: »
    I really love the shading on your drawings. Don't feel too bad about the horses; this is the best one I've ever made. ^_^

    I think it's less the horse and more of the adult sized Link riding it... That's just my two cents anyway.

    Anyway, this looks really nice. Now I just gotta wait and see where it goes.
  • edited October 2006
    If I were you I would try to use a more comic-y font. Times New Roman (or whatever) is nice and readable and all, but it just doesn't look like the proper font for a drawn comic like that, at least to me.

    I get most of my fonts from Blambot, but I'm sure there are other sources too.

    Of course, in the end it's up to you, ya?
  • edited October 2006
    That is the greatest comic tool I have ever seen! (oh-and next page delayed, project is on my dad's computer...I'm at my mom's *sigh*)
  • edited October 2006
    Wohoo! Page two calls for a style-change! The screen tone was just gettin plain old messy. About the font...Hamelin's link was heplful, but I was already half-way through the page. Also-the site's a little confusing. I have to e-mail the company to have them mkae me a font? I will...but I just thought that that was a little strange. I'm finally going to make the next page color. Also...Link dosn't look like Yu-Gi-Oh anymore *laughs* I'm cleaning up a lot. And also-that is the shittiest Ganon ever! Anway, thanks for all of the help guys.

  • edited October 2006
    I personally like the old style better. Also, for the fonts, you aren't supposed to email them:


    See that list on the side? All the ones with a red dot to the left of their name must be purchased. If it has no red dot, you can download it for free.
  • edited October 2006
    I hate it when you have to pay for something. That makes it less cool.
  • edited October 2006
    Thanks for clearing that up. I'm gonna wait for some more comments until I make #3-so I can continue "improving".
  • edited October 2006
    Are you using photoshop to make your comics? As a rule, it's always a very good idea to keep a copy of your .psd file instead of deleting it when you're done, as it makes it so much easier to go back and make changes (such as misspelled words and whatnot, it happens) later if need be.
  • edited October 2006
    well-usually I use an oekaki board...and then crop it onto an MS paint window. After that I use EasyGIF animater to shift it into GIF format. Dumb way to make comics, but it works. Also-yeah, I always save all of my pages for easy spelling editing.
  • edited October 2006
    This page has followed two suggestions: Hamelin's one for a more comic-y font, and Mjc's for going back to my origional style. I actually don't have any complaints about this page-It's definetly my favorite so far. At first the hat gimmik was to just stop Link from bleeding, but it now serves as an easy way to tell them apart. More crits are welcomed!

  • edited October 2006

    Dark Link is licking the blood of his sword? Link is using his hat to stop the bleeding? It's crazy, I tells ya!

    Now kick his ass, Link.
  • edited October 2006
    Switch swords. All you need is a longer reach and he'll keep walking into your attack.
  • edited October 2006
    No! Hit him with the Megaton Hammer!
  • edited October 2006
    mjc0961 wrote:
    It's crazy, I tells ya!

    That's what I'm aiming for. *sweatdrop*

    Edit:awesome! simuntaneous post!

    double edit: and after I refreshed the page-my post jumped over to a new page. w0rd.
  • edited October 2006
    Okay-I got bored and made page four. This one has less/bigger panels for the action-ness. I like the way that the zoom-in on the pegasus boots came out. It appears that Link has won, no?Stop reading this and look below!

  • edited October 2006
    Oh. Well. I guess a sword in the chest'd put a damper on anyone's day.
  • edited October 2006
    Why does page 4 have a 3 on the bottom?
  • edited October 2006
    Agentcel wrote: »
    That's what I'm aiming for. *sweatdrop*

    I know. :cool:

    I can imagine Dark Link just pulling the sword out and continuing the battle.
  • edited October 2006
    Behemoth wrote: »
    Why does page 4 have a 3 on the bottom?

    My bad. I'll fix that right now.
  • edited October 2006
    Even if dark Link survives that, he'll never handle the... bee in a bottle.
  • edited October 2006
    Actually I was planning another method for Link to fall Dark, but hey, that works too.
  • edited October 2006
    Because it's the good bee? From the ice cave? I always kept that one with me for good luck.
  • edited October 2006
    The only four things that I kept form the Ice Cave: The iron boots, the Zora Tunic, the Senerade of Water, and Blue Fire!
  • edited October 2006
    to show my actually artistic ability

    Yes, I am persecuting someone again, and i'm sorry, but I assume an aspiring "Artist" wants critisism.
    First of all, what I quoted, I'm having a hard time wording this without sounding like a total A**hole. I suppose i'll put it like this. From what I have read, and seen, you have little artistic ability, nor do you have much talent with writing. Now, I realize, your new to it...hopefully, but this is poor.

    I have a hard time understanding what is going on in the scene, everything seems really scratchy and unrefined.

    you need to put some finishing work on them. I've noticed that in your last comic, second row leftmost picture is really, really bad.

    There's a reason I don't attempt to draw, or do pixel comics, or sing. It's because I can't. Stick to what your good at, if you don't show promise after a lot of practice, it might not be for you. I tried drawing, I couldn't pick up on it, even after many hours of practice, so I don't do it, outside of bored sketches in class. Yes, it's a bad idea, to give up, but it will save many people a lot of headaches, and lieing.