He's (she's? I don't know) talking about Wii Play in the sense that it's the same simple graphics and gameplay style of Wii Sports. But it's actually its own seperate group of games.
Ah, Wii Play. I have heard of that. I was saddened to hear that the dog didn't show up in the hunting mode, but otherwise I'm thinking of picking it up; I could use a second controller.
Well damn, that is a fantastic deal. I second mario's "I could use a second controller." And I think Wii Play will probably appeal to nongamers in the same way that Wii Sports does.
You think so? I haven't played on a Supernova machine but I love some of the songs on the PS2 version. I also thought that Supernova had most of the songs from Extreme... maybe that machine isn't completely unlocked yet?
You think so? I haven't played on a Supernova machine but I love some of the songs on the PS2 version. I also thought that Supernova had most of the songs from Extreme... maybe that machine isn't completely unlocked yet?
Supernova has pretty much all the Konami Originals from Extreme, but there's a whole new group of licensed songs (Extreme was supposed to be the last arcade DDR, ever, so they relicensed pretty much the best songs from throughout DDR history for it, which is hard to beat.) Also, Supernova got rid of all songs by Good-Cool for unexplained reasons.
Betson, the company that ships the arcade machines for the US, announced an update that has "200-300" new songs for the Supernova machine coming ou this summer. It's quite unprecedented, as 200-300 songs is about the size of a large arcade mix. People think it may be a typo for "20-30".
-_- Why is it only AFTER I go to my VC to check this out and find nothing that I remember you live in Europe and get different games at different times? Bleh.
I didn't spend a lot of time on it, but I have to say I didn't like it very much. I'd love to play it again, though, to either figure out why I didn't like it or realize that I was wrong. You need to get it for VC, Serephel, NOW! Well...Monday. But soon!
I can't wait to see what might come from the pseudo-announcement. I envision a guitar add-on for the controller, though it's probably got enough buttons to play decently as is.
I didn't like how they spliced Zelda and Mario, especially those bridge scenes with the parabolic skele-fish. And replacing usable items like the boomerang with less fun and versatile magic made me sad.
I did really like the combat system once I got used to it. And the final boss fight was completely amazing. Probably one of the only boss fights that I really had no idea if I could win.
I would definitely like to play that game... is it going to start at $50 though?
* Lips of an Angel by Jet Rockers
* Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by Rite Attackers
* Will by Naoki
are the only known songs, though apparently there's a new English cover of BeForU's Break Down in one of the trailers. I heard it sounds really bad.
My college has a Supernova machine right on campus! I miss the old Extreme machine. It had better songs.
Supernova has pretty much all the Konami Originals from Extreme, but there's a whole new group of licensed songs (Extreme was supposed to be the last arcade DDR, ever, so they relicensed pretty much the best songs from throughout DDR history for it, which is hard to beat.) Also, Supernova got rid of all songs by Good-Cool for unexplained reasons.
Betson, the company that ships the arcade machines for the US, announced an update that has "200-300" new songs for the Supernova machine coming ou this summer. It's quite unprecedented, as 200-300 songs is about the size of a large arcade mix. People think it may be a typo for "20-30".
-_- Why is it only AFTER I go to my VC to check this out and find nothing that I remember you live in Europe and get different games at different times? Bleh.
EDIT: Never mind, it works now
Also, they announced Guitar Hero for the Wii and possibly the DS (?).
No they haven't. It was just some story on GameSpot's rumor control. They claim it's probably not bogus, but can't prove anything either way.
same here. Plus the fact that I couldn't get past the first cave. (Carl's back from the dead...:eek: )
Also from the NES cartridge about nineteen years ago! Holy crap, I'm old!
Anyway, I didn't like it much back then, but I think it's brilliant now.
I did really like the combat system once I got used to it. And the final boss fight was completely amazing. Probably one of the only boss fights that I really had no idea if I could win.