Well Agentcel, I think that it was REALLY REALLY admirable of you that you were so straightforward with that. When I was your age I was so freakin awkward, I never would have had the guts to do something like that.
And personally, I think that it's important to get dating experience. From what I've seen, pretty much every first relationship is not good. Whether you are 15 (like me) or 19 (like Serephel) it's pretty much guaranteed that you're not going to know what you're looking for and that you'll see a great relationship when it's really a dud. But that's part of growing.
Keep up that spirit, but don't let it get you down when you get rejected. It sucks a lot, don't get sucked up with the image that relationships are uber-important in being a complete person.
1. John is the younger me that went super dark side and reaped the benefits, instead of being a line walker like myself.
2. The "tagging" comment is mostly in jest, but does definitely carry a bit of weight: If you miss out on an opportunity simply because you have your eyes out for what you idealize, you've missed out on an experience for nothing and simultaneously have given far too much power to someone else.
3. Stef, do you really want to be the female me? Seriously.
4. You get my story in some other thread, or other such discussion-place. This thread is about a 14 year old who has to learn a life lesson, not a 26 year old who's a fucking retard.
Well Agentcel, I'm sorry things didn't work out. But I will give you much credit for being direct and finding out like that. That takes a lot of guts, and I admire you for having that at your age.
As for the "other" girl, it doesn't matter if she's pretty or not pretty. What matters is if you like her or not. If you like her, you'll see beyond what she looks like, and you'll find her more attractive. If you don't like her, then you shouldn't date for the sake of dating. The relationship won't go anywhere.
This is not a big deal. I remember in high school I started getting to know a freaking gorgeous girl. I was surprised she was talking to my stupid, awkward ass. I thought I had a chance, and she shot me down. She said we could still be friends, but I doubted it would happen.
Much to my surprise, she didn't feel awkward about it, and I quickly discovered I didn't either. She ended up becoming one of my closest female friends throughout high school, and we helped each other out with our dating troubles (or attempts in my situation).
Dating and finding love is not something you can read about in a book. You need to experience it firsthand, and you need to learn what it means to be shot down, and what it means to succeed. Some of these lessons are hard, but they need to be learned firsthand, and you will become a much better person for it, and you'll be able to find real love someday.
However, avoid nymphomaniac foreign girls who want an easy green card. Take my word for it, you don't need to experience that firsthand.
I can just say I've never come within 100 miles of having anything even remotely close to a romantic relationship. I just turned 23 and I don't know that I feel particularly deprived having chosen to simply not do any of that stuff. But I guess I'm not helping. I'll just say relationships aren't the all and everything. There's much to life even without romance ( A good friendship can be MUCH better in many cases anyway). I can tell already that you won't be like like me, though, so don't worry about that. You'll do fine.
heh, well, as a latecomer, i just have to say one thing:
that intro was scary. somehow i expected "there's an age difference, she's 16" to be followed with, "and I'm 43." *sighs in relief* And props on goin' for the older girl. that takes some wicked courage.
other than that, i pretty much agree with all those before me, except for that younger, crazier khan... he's just weird.
EDIT: oh, and amoeba boy nailed it. use that picture. hand it out as a flyer. use it to run for class president. but, be wary of its power. use it too much, and amoeba boy gets your soul. don't want that now do we?
Also, do we get to hear the story of the not-exactly-girlfriend that you gave a car to, or do we merely get to marvel at the fact that it happened?
Um, but on a more serious note. While I find the notion of Agentcel rating girls against a pretty vs. not pretty standard a little bit offensive, you can't make yourself like a person that you don't like. So if you don't like the girl who likes you, obviously you shouldn't, uh, 'tag' her just for the sake of 'tagging'.
Dude, he's 14. He shouldn't be 'tagging' anyone.
Don't forget though, that a lot of 14 year olds are quite shallow (sorry Agentcel), and so they don't look past the superficial aspects of a girl very much. It's not like he's purposely doing it, but his still quite young view of the world and relationships could lead to mainly focusing on looks. (That being said, the person I like ATM is GORGEOUS and has many similar interests with me too, so woot)
Heh, this thread is quite gutsy to be honest, I would never post my relationship issues on a forum, especially seeing how fucked up my love life is/was/will continue to be.
aw, I just went through and read this whole thread. I'm glad everything worked out alright... and I can tell you really do like her, haha, mostly because you said you were actually happy when you could still be friends with her. My boyfriend (who before going out with me had about 3-4 girls chasing after him, including me) had originally picked me out only AFTER going out with another girl. I say the reason was because she had bigger boobs, but he swears it wasn't that. He's probably lying, BUT I'd rather him lie then admit to rejecting me because of my breast size.
And instead of getting all depressed about not being picked as someone he would be interested in, I was only happy that he was getting going out with someone he enjoyed being with. And! I was really really REALLY lucky, because I could still talk (and subtly/*cough*innocently flirt) with him, and their relationship only lasted like... a week. And the same day she broke up with him (if she didn't want him then why did she make such an effort?? sbfidsghlsdg) he asked me out on a date!
And although I was his "second choice," we've been dating for almost 2 1/2 years now! Oh, and the age thing is sorta messed up with us too. When we started going out, I was 14 and he was 17. Not as uncommon as a girl dating a younger guy, but... anythings possible.
I got really lucky though... I'm just glad you haven't given up hope or anything. If it ends up really not working out for ya... there will always be someone else. Don't start obsessing or become extremely depressed if it doesn't work out, sometimes ya just gotta get over someone. I'm not saying you would go anything like that, of course! But just in case :-D
As an (ironicaly) 14 year old girl I must say that you have a lot of guts. A friend of mine who is my own age took a year and a half to ask me out...but then again he has issues. Oh ,well just try and pick up your pride and find another girl who cares about you. Also just because a girl is ugly doesn't mean that she isn't worthy of you, she probably has a sparkling personality.
If you start going out with ugly girls now, regardless of their personality, you'll get used to it and soon you'll make a habit of crooning the less fair of the fairer sex.
Keep your standards high, no matter how gut-wrenchingly lonely it makes you! Because...because you can wait forever for that perfect girl. Forever!
And personally, I think that it's important to get dating experience. From what I've seen, pretty much every first relationship is not good. Whether you are 15 (like me) or 19 (like Serephel) it's pretty much guaranteed that you're not going to know what you're looking for and that you'll see a great relationship when it's really a dud. But that's part of growing.
Keep up that spirit, but don't let it get you down when you get rejected. It sucks a lot, don't get sucked up with the image that relationships are uber-important in being a complete person.
XxagentcelxX (10:08:09 PM): Haha, hope you'll still dance with me
NO,JOHN (10:10:17 PM): haha at camp?
XxagentcelxX (10:08:33 PM): Pretty much.
NO,JAKEY (10:10:40 PM): mk
EDIT'D: This thread had grown so freaking fast o_O.
2. The "tagging" comment is mostly in jest, but does definitely carry a bit of weight: If you miss out on an opportunity simply because you have your eyes out for what you idealize, you've missed out on an experience for nothing and simultaneously have given far too much power to someone else.
3. Stef, do you really want to be the female me? Seriously.
4. You get my story in some other thread, or other such discussion-place. This thread is about a 14 year old who has to learn a life lesson, not a 26 year old who's a fucking retard.
Other than that I have no useful advice to give.
As for the "other" girl, it doesn't matter if she's pretty or not pretty. What matters is if you like her or not. If you like her, you'll see beyond what she looks like, and you'll find her more attractive. If you don't like her, then you shouldn't date for the sake of dating. The relationship won't go anywhere.
This is not a big deal. I remember in high school I started getting to know a freaking gorgeous girl. I was surprised she was talking to my stupid, awkward ass. I thought I had a chance, and she shot me down. She said we could still be friends, but I doubted it would happen.
Much to my surprise, she didn't feel awkward about it, and I quickly discovered I didn't either. She ended up becoming one of my closest female friends throughout high school, and we helped each other out with our dating troubles (or attempts in my situation).
Dating and finding love is not something you can read about in a book. You need to experience it firsthand, and you need to learn what it means to be shot down, and what it means to succeed. Some of these lessons are hard, but they need to be learned firsthand, and you will become a much better person for it, and you'll be able to find real love someday.
However, avoid nymphomaniac foreign girls who want an easy green card. Take my word for it, you don't need to experience that firsthand.
that intro was scary. somehow i expected "there's an age difference, she's 16" to be followed with, "and I'm 43." *sighs in relief* And props on goin' for the older girl. that takes some wicked courage.
other than that, i pretty much agree with all those before me, except for that younger, crazier khan... he's just weird.
EDIT: oh, and amoeba boy nailed it. use that picture. hand it out as a flyer. use it to run for class president. but, be wary of its power. use it too much, and amoeba boy gets your soul. don't want that now do we?
Don't forget though, that a lot of 14 year olds are quite shallow (sorry Agentcel), and so they don't look past the superficial aspects of a girl very much. It's not like he's purposely doing it, but his still quite young view of the world and relationships could lead to mainly focusing on looks. (That being said, the person I like ATM is GORGEOUS and has many similar interests with me too, so woot)
Heh, this thread is quite gutsy to be honest, I would never post my relationship issues on a forum, especially seeing how fucked up my love life is/was/will continue to be.
By the way, I'll be seeng her next month, so the story may grow deeper.
And instead of getting all depressed about not being picked as someone he would be interested in, I was only happy that he was getting going out with someone he enjoyed being with. And! I was really really REALLY lucky, because I could still talk (and subtly/*cough*innocently flirt) with him, and their relationship only lasted like... a week. And the same day she broke up with him (if she didn't want him then why did she make such an effort?? sbfidsghlsdg) he asked me out on a date!
And although I was his "second choice," we've been dating for almost 2 1/2 years now! Oh, and the age thing is sorta messed up with us too. When we started going out, I was 14 and he was 17. Not as uncommon as a girl dating a younger guy, but... anythings possible.
I got really lucky though... I'm just glad you haven't given up hope or anything. If it ends up really not working out for ya... there will always be someone else. Don't start obsessing or become extremely depressed if it doesn't work out, sometimes ya just gotta get over someone. I'm not saying you would go anything like that, of course! But just in case :-D
5 months late reply: Speak for yourself!
Glad to hear things might kinda maybe work out.
Stick it in her pooper, then leave a tip on the nightstand. Then don't make her eggs in the morning!
Keep your standards high, no matter how gut-wrenchingly lonely it makes you! Because...because you can wait forever for that perfect girl. Forever!
But you know what the best thing is, about twenty eight-year olds?
.... There's twenty of them!
Dude, what the hell?!
Well, a girls gotta be eight before she's nine....
Moral: Don't take advice from Scott.