I'm Sooo in love, and I NEED YOUR ADVICE. Girly Thread, Huh?



  • edited September 2007
    Actually, girls only really care about a guy's "personality". Like when you see a really hot chick with some fat slob, it's because he has a great "personality". Of course, personality is just the code-word women use for gigantic penis.
  • edited September 2007
    So THAT'S what personality means.
  • edited September 2007
    You ought'a know, stud.

    EDIT:....or so I've heard...
  • edited September 2007
    Behemoth, anything you'd like to share with us?
  • edited September 2007
    I came a week late into this, I'm wondering if I'm the only girl who reads this thread, haha. John, way to stereotype every single female into one catergory of bitchiness; I'm sorry if all your past girlfriend's have been a complete waste of time (as they seem to have been in your opinion), but it doesn't mean every girl is like that.

    Khan's statement, although pretty bitter, is a little more accurate. As far as I can see, girls are constantly striving to feel better about themselves since we're always feeling pretty shitty about SOMETHING. I'm not saying it's good to fish for compliments-- that's just asking to be shut down with an insult-- but it is always nice to hear you're pretty from someone!

    Unless that someone is uncomfortably close to you while you're riding public transportation, and will not cease to leave you alone and stop calling you "pretty" and staring at you with unblinking eyes. It's especially not good if the girl was reading a book (signalling that she was not to be bothered) and she had to put down her book just to feel awkward/paranoid.

    I hope other girls in the thread read that. They would know what that's like, assuming they've ever ridden public transportation.

    Moral of the story... don't call a girl pretty if you can tell she doesn't want to be told that.

    Hell, who am I kidding. Girls are fucking insane. I've known that for a long time, and it's probably why I've always gotten along better with guys than girls. Just find a girl who isn't completely insane or who finds that her life is the worst one in existance... I think you should be good as long as the girl isn't TOTALLY crazy. Good luck with that though.
  • edited September 2007
    I think what it comes down to is everybody is a little crazy.
  • edited September 2007
    Mish42 wrote: »
    Just find a girl...who finds that her life is the worst one in existance.
    I do so like the ones with low self esteem.
  • edited September 2007
    ***doesn't find that her life is the worst in existence!

    :D You knew what I meant in any case. I'm sleepy!
  • edited September 2007
    I actually thought you meant what you wrote the first time. I thought you were just telling him to lower his standards.
  • edited March 2008
    Whoa, I loved this thread!

    And yet it left me....

    How appropriate!
  • edited March 2008
    At least you didn't give it a car.
  • edited March 2008
    Haha! BURN!
  • edited September 2008
    Ugh, tonight was difficult for me.

    I went to see Pineapple Express (best fuckin' movie EVER), and when I walked in the theatre, a girl's voiced called "Hey Carter!". My first intinct was eh, probably someone from my Cina trip..., but then my buddy said, "Hey, I think that's Ellie!" And that's how this damned thing started.

    "Hey, how's it going?"
    "good, and you?"
    "ok, hey, anyone sitting next you you?"
    "I guess you are, now!"

    So I sat and watched Pineapple Express with Ellie.

    It's weird how we seem to be connected somehow, by some supernatural power. Everytime I think I've forgotten about her, she pops up in public. This is the second time I've run into her by "chance" in less than a year. Also, I received her old book for english last year. I dreamt of her last night (nothing like that!) after not dreaming of her for a long time, so I feel like a psychic now.

    Connections aside, this night really fucked me up. I think I mentioned already, but I've having somewhat sucess with a girl at school, and I'm doing god with ladies now. I think I've closed up the wounds caused by the agony of my last week as Oswegatchi...when she shows up in my life again. It's such a confusing world. Someone above is trying to send me a message here.

    I'd like to believe that we're destined to end up together, but at the same time I know that it will never happen. I..just...it hurts. I think if I get any other girl, I'll just be settling for less.

    Tonight was fun, and we laughed our asses of at the stoner-action movie, but the afterwards part...

    Movie ends (oh shit what do I say)
    "So, it's weird how we keep meeting each other, huh?"
    "Yeah, it is"
    "Are you going to camp next year?"
    "No, this year was the last possible year for me to go"
    "oh, well I guess I'll see you next time we're supposed to meet, huh?"
    "Bye Carter"

    Like I said, I've got so many things I've left unsaid, and I don't know wether to call her up and let loose, or to bottle up my feelings so they can eat my alive more than they already are...
  • edited September 2008
    Let it be.

    EDIT: Seriously. Nothing good will come of you spilling it out over the phone. She'll just be weirded out by it and you won't feel any better.

    This isn't destiny. It is happenstance. The sooner your realize that it isn't 'fated' to happen and she's just not that into you, the better.
  • edited September 2008
    He's lying, you're obviously star-crossed lovers, and no amount of Beatles quotes should deter you from pursuing this girl to the ends of the earth.
  • edited September 2008
    I agree with MacJake. You're still young and there's so much ahead of you. Ya went for it once and it fell through; you can try to build a friendship if ya wanna stay in touch, but there's nothing romantic coming from there.
  • edited September 2008
    I agree with Tak. Do you want to go on in life wondering about "what could have been"? She's young, herself, and doesn't understand that you two are meant to be together forever. Pursue her. Have you made a doll out of her hair yet?
  • edited September 2008
    Your real destiny is obviously to have a bunch of steamy hot meaningless relationships until you're so damn good in bed that your reputation reaches Ellie and she comes to find you. Then you can begin your life with her.
  • edited September 2008
    It may seem like destiny, but what is destiny, really, then just a tons of coincidences? You have to make your own destiny, and you should call her, but only to ask to go out and do something sometime by yourselves. Do this a few times, and when you feel like she may have some kind of feelings towards you, that's when you make your move! Say something romantic, not psychotic. Look up some good romantic lines, most of which can be found on Scrubs. I would say to just give up on it, but I know where you are, man. I've seen shit and stuff. Really, now that I'm in a loving relationship, I can't not let someone pursue somebody they really like. Hey, if you get shot down again, what's the worst that could happen? You move on and learn more stuff? It would be an enriching experience on both ends.
  • godgod
    edited September 2008
    Stick it in her pooper.
  • edited September 2008
    Been suggested already.
  • edited September 2008
    A lot of times like these, the girls more awkward with the situation than you, just she can fake it better. If you really want another try, just stay cool and pretend like you never asked her anything, but keep in touch. It's the easiest way to get a girl to like you. That and read Twilight. Best book series ever if you want girls to like you.

    Agentcel wrote: »
    ... I'm doing god with ladies now...
  • edited September 2008
    Both sides are right.

    On one hand, I don't like the idea of letting stuff go unknown. There are a few moments in my life when I wonder what would've happened if I tried something different. On the other hand, you've tried before and have gotten burned badly. You've already made your effort, so maybe you should cut your losses and move on.

    I don't know. There are stories of persistence succeeding in the end, and there are also stories that end in restraining orders.

    Just think to yourself. Imagine how much shit you dealt with last year. You know how much it hurt. Do you think it's worth risking going through again for a second shot? Do you think the situation is different enough, that you know her better and she knows you better? Is there something different now that wasn't present a year ago?

    This stuff is hard, and there isn't a right answer. Look deep down and think about what you're doing with your life. Think about what you want, and if this girl is worth any more than any other girl.
  • edited September 2008
    Shut up, Ryan.

    Five in the poo, Carter.
  • edited September 2008
    YUCKY! Persoanlly, I have a strict no pooper policy. It's unhygienic and can cause problems for the recipient.
    Hey, if you get shot down again, what's the worst that could happen? You move on and learn more stuff? It would be an enriching experience on both ends.

    That's my whole point, leanr the ins and outs (heh) of relationships with other girls that you don't care about. Then you can go have your amazing destined meeting with the one you were always meant to be. You don't want to go into it half-cocked. Go do your trial and error shit with other girls first. It'll also help give you perspective. Maybe you really are obsessing over nothing. See if you get that same warm fuzzy feeling with someone else.
  • edited September 2008
    Join a star trek chat.
  • edited September 2008
    I have no idea what that means.
  • edited September 2008
    There will never be another girl like this one in your life ever again. If you let her go now, you will regret it forever because you will always be alone. Sure there will be other women, but they won't give you the feeling she gives you.

    But seriously, let it go. There are tons of girls just like this one, just like there are tons of guys like you, whining over girls like that.
  • edited September 2008
    You know what this was like?

    I had one of the happiest moments of my life, and when it was over, it felt really bad in comparison...

    ...she does make me happier than any other person, and I think that's worth another shot.
  • edited September 2008
    then it's also worth the wait. Don't go forcing it, man. Just wait awhile. Stay in touch and let it happen.