Never step into the creepy zone. She will want nothing to do with you if you go there. Then if you persist, she will break your heart, stomp on the pieces, set it aflame, and toss if out the airlock. Tread lightly.
:-/ according to you, Bruce. I've been in situations where a guy has liked me and I didn't like him back, even if I liked hanging out with him because I considered him a very good friend of mine. Please, Carter; if you've already told her how you feel, she remembers, I promise. Let her be the one who starts trying to come on to you, if there's any potential of it. Otherwise, it just makes her sad that she's having to avoid you just cuz you wont take a hint, and leads to really awkward situations. If you want to be her friend for just being her friend, awesome. If you know you'll never be able to stop feeling for her, you've gotta make a choice- either stay friends with her until she either changes her mind or you find someone else to fall for, or just move on entirely and keep it as a bitter memory of childhood of your first love. It's entirely up to you though.
Don't end up obsessing over this girl for the rest of your life. If it's not meant to be, just tell yourself that, and start building yourself a bridge. There's situations where just about every possible thing you could think of doing would work, but the odds of certain things happening are way higher than others. You know her best I'm assuming, you'd have a betetr idea than any of us for what choice is the best. I think the path you've decided to go now is a perfectly acceptable and safe choice, but still keep your eyes towards that girl you were interested in for the dance.
Bruce is just being a meany face. I agree with your decision!!
I support Lauren's views on the subject!
Love with a burning passion and break through the obstacles to your heart!
Throw reason to the curb and press on in manly glory!
Her:Hey, I wanted to say sorry about today. I've had a lot of things on my mind lately, so sorry if I seemed distracted. Im just weary to give out my number, and I was afraid that if I did, I would be leading you on. I think that you are a really nice guy, and I have to be honest, but I just dont think of you as something more than a friend. Im kind of involved with someone else, and I feel really bad about how everthing turned out. Im really really sorry, I hope you dont hate me now, but I know what its like to be lead on and given false hope, and I couldnt do that to you.
Me:No problem. sorry for kind of overreacting. It's all fine.
Her K, are you sure? I still feel bad.
Me:I promise I don't hate you. I've been where you are now. And this isn't exactly the first time this has happened to me either. No hard feelings.
Her: ok, good
From a girl who I haven't really told you guys about that much. I'm so fucking pro at this.
Oh that's right. Foolish me.
Yes, I do. Believe it or not, I was a teenager once.
That sir, is my chosen path.
Don't end up obsessing over this girl for the rest of your life. If it's not meant to be, just tell yourself that, and start building yourself a bridge. There's situations where just about every possible thing you could think of doing would work, but the odds of certain things happening are way higher than others. You know her best I'm assuming, you'd have a betetr idea than any of us for what choice is the best. I think the path you've decided to go now is a perfectly acceptable and safe choice, but still keep your eyes towards that girl you were interested in for the dance.
Bruce is just being a meany face. I agree with your decision!!
Love with a burning passion and break through the obstacles to your heart!
Throw reason to the curb and press on in manly glory!
He asked me to make it!
From a girl who I haven't really told you guys about that much. I'm so fucking pro at this.