AIM Convo Thread



  • edited September 2008
    It'll make the not crazy ones that much better :D

    And by pimp hat, I was meaning a hat worn by pimps, but I guess a "fly" hat would also be sufficient!

    And I am not high! Nor drunk!
  • edited September 2008
    Mish42 wrote: »
    They're all crazy, and it never gets better :D

  • edited September 2008
    Yeah foreign girls!
  • edited October 2008
    BACKGROUND INFO: Jake drunk dialed me a few days ago.

    (10:24:25 PM) Dr Faustus Lives: argh, my typing is going to shit
    (10:24:53 PM) illithid235: Are you drinking again>
    (10:25:01 PM) Dr Faustus Lives: hahahaha, not tonight, no
    (10:25:29 PM) illithid235: You sang to me, it was beautiful. =D
    (10:25:42 PM) Dr Faustus Lives: wat

  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    Damnit Jake, why are you never drunk with me?

    We need to synchronise our drinking schedules so we can let our drunken escapades ensue!
  • edited October 2008
    You.. you drunk dialed Andrew as well?

    I feel so betrayed :(
  • edited October 2008
    Apparently Jakey can't handle international dialing while drunk either :(
  • edited October 2008
    Jake! Why don't you ever love me over the phone when drunk? :(
  • edited October 2008
    You can get a drunk phone, with all the OB members numbers on speed dile. Then you wouldn't have this problem.
  • edited October 2008
    takeru126 (10:15:23 PM): Man, I still don't understand Schroedinger's Cat
    DrFaustusLives (10:15:52 PM): no, you simultaneously do and don't
    takeru126 (10:16:33 PM): But...I'm recording my understanding, or lack thereof, of the experiment
    DrFaustusLives (10:18:28 PM): EXISTENTIAL CRISIS!!!
    takeru126 (10:19:55 PM): The way I understand it, if you put a cat in a box, and you don't look in it, there's a possibility that the cat is alive or dead?
    takeru126 (10:20:16 PM): So, it's like a kid looking under the bed for monsters?
    DrFaustusLives (10:20:39 PM): no no, if you put a cat in a box, with a vial of poison that has a 50/50 chance of being knocked over and being released and killing the cat
    DrFaustusLives (10:20:50 PM): the cat is both dad and alive until you open it and look to see for yourself
    takeru126 (10:21:01 PM): ...but where does the radiation come into it?
    DrFaustusLives (10:21:10 PM): what?
    takeru126 (10:21:29 PM): I read the wikipedia article, and it said something about the poison being triggered by radiation
    DrFaustusLives (10:22:00 PM): I forget the exact construction
    DrFaustusLives (10:22:17 PM): but the poison has an absolute 50/50 chance of being released or not
    takeru126 (10:22:34 PM): So, the possibility of the cat being alive or dead is 0?
    takeru126 (10:22:48 PM): it's always alive and dead?
    DrFaustusLives (10:23:01 PM): until the box is opened to confirm, yes
    takeru126 (10:23:43 PM): man, whatever
    takeru126 (10:24:12 PM): I'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket and turn it in, without checking the results, and say that I lost and won
    DrFaustusLives (10:24:17 PM): such is the metaphysical world!
    takeru126 (10:24:24 PM): and take half of my possible winnings
    DrFaustusLives (10:24:26 PM): utterly inapplicable to reality!
    takeru126 (10:25:48 PM): Yeah, and a zombie cat is totally realistic
    DrFaustusLives (10:26:23 PM): I'm not saying Schroedinger's Cat has any meaningful application
    DrFaustusLives (10:26:36 PM): I was only talking about it in the abstract, like a good theologian should
    takeru126 (10:26:47 PM): Man, theology has no place in science
    DrFaustusLives (10:27:34 PM): yet, scientists and theologians are very similar in their pretense, self-absorption, and contempt for anyone who doesn't 'get' their theories
    DrFaustusLives (10:27:46 PM): they'd actually be friends if they realized this
    takeru126 (10:28:08 PM): "Jesus is both alive and dead until we move the boulder"
    DrFaustusLives (10:28:14 PM): hahahhahahhahahahahaha
    DrFaustusLives (10:28:16 PM): I'm stealing that
  • edited October 2008
  • edited October 2008
    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    She's really hot.

    Instant Karma! says (1:51 PM):
    go for it!

    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    Oh I am.

    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    I've been getting my flirt on for months now

    Instant Karma! says (1:51 PM):
    to any avail?

    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    Well, maybe one month

    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    Hard to gauge.

    Ryan says (1:51 PM):
    I know she's single

    Instant Karma! says (1:51 PM):

    Instant Karma! says (1:51 PM):
    damn foreign cultures

    Ryan says (1:52 PM):
    And I know she doesn't hate me, which is always a plus

    Ryan says (1:52 PM):

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):
    not to denegrate them, mind

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):
    but I feel I have a good grasp on Americans

    Ryan says (1:52 PM):
    Fuck I don't even understand American women

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):

    Ryan says (1:52 PM):
    But this is like grinding high level monsters for me.

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):
    maybe you just need a touch of gay

    Ryan says (1:52 PM):
    When I go back to the US it'll be really easy by comparison

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):

    Instant Karma! says (1:52 PM):
    I don't know

    Ryan says (1:53 PM):
    Eh. That's a poor analogy...

    Instant Karma! says (1:53 PM):
    I think it's like, you're a Frost mage fighting women with ice resistance

    Ryan says (1:53 PM):
    It implies foreign women are at a high level

    Ryan says (1:53 PM):
    That's a better one

    Instant Karma! says (1:53 PM):
    you can still do it, but it takes a fucking long time

    Instant Karma! says (1:53 PM):
    American women however are weak to both frost and arcane

    Ryan says (1:53 PM):
    And really, it's our ability to compare women to World of Warcraft scenarios that makes it even easier!

    Instant Karma! says (1:53 PM):
    but are strong against fire

    Instant Karma! says (1:54 PM):
  • edited October 2008
    I'm having trouble determining if that's the nerdiest thing I've ever read or not.
  • edited October 2008
    An interesting FPM (Formerly Private Message) exchange.
    Evil wrote:
    Y j0o no p057 4ny m0r3? ;_;
    mario wrote:
    Why juhzeroo no puhzerofiveseven fourny muhzerorrthree?
  • edited October 2008
    Me: I like cleving babies.

    God: A lot of people like that. I'm not sure if I do. I like bread and wine.

    Me: Is the bread made of pagan babies?

    God: I don't think so. I'd be suprised if it was.
  • edited November 2008
    (8:56:11 PM) nothos927: I have spicy cock!
    (9:09:11 PM) illithid235: Pictures of your spicy cock?
    (9:09:45 PM) nothos927: You will have pictures of me shovelling spicy cock down my mouth, certainly
    (9:12:13 PM) illithid235: Bloody sexy, Bruce.
    (9:12:33 PM) nothos927: I always am ;)
  • edited November 2008
    Oh God! Oh God!!
  • edited November 2008
    Tanya says (15:00):
    I wanted to show you a song I like

    Tanya says (15:01):
    but you are at work with no headphones probably

    Tanya says (15:01):

    Ryan says (15:01):
    Headphones work

    Ryan says (15:01):
    But someone else is using mine right now

    Tanya says (15:02):
    auw :(

    Tanya says (15:02):

    Ryan says (15:02):
    No, they're not the ear sex kind

    Ryan says (15:02):
    They don't penetrate the ear

    Ryan says (15:02):
    They sit comfortably over them

    Tanya says (15:03):
    oh thank god

    Tanya says (15:03):
    I hate lending/borrowing those

    Ryan says (15:03):

    Ryan says (15:03):

    Tanya says (15:04):

    Ryan says (15:04):
    Earallopian tubes

    Tanya says (15:06):
    that's the best

    Tanya says (15:07):
    because you keep your songs in your iUterus
  • edited November 2008
    The following exchange occurred in a wonderfully busy shopping center parking lot a few weeks ago. My co-worker was in a truck several yards away and we were yelling to each other:
    Me: Hey! Do you have a 2 inch cock?
    co-worker: Yeah, you need one?
    Me: Yeah.
    co-worker: Why? What's wrong with the one you got?
    Me: It doesn't work.
    co-worker: Did you try greasing it?
    Me: Yeah, I greased it, it won't move.
    co-worker: Did you turn the nut.
    Me: Yeah, it's no good. I need a new cock.
    co-worker: Here, see if you can find me a pair of 2 inch nipples. I'll take a look at that cock for you.

    I have such a great job
  • edited November 2008
    I think we should have a guessing game as to what Adam's job actually is!
  • edited November 2008
    Wow. The whole exchange is like one big giant innuendo.

    I have no idea what Adam does exactly but now I'm not sure if I even want to know. I mean his profile says he's unemployed again...
  • edited November 2008
    Does it? I should update that thing.
  • godgod
    edited November 2008
    I think a cock can be a kind of valve or tap. He's a plumber, maybe?
  • edited November 2008
    WOW! Very good! I work for the gas company. So, I do a lot of pipe work, like a plumber.
  • edited November 2008
    Gotta hand it to god, he knows his cocks.

    Seriously, way to go, I didn't think anyone was going to guess it.
  • edited November 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    Gotta hand it to god, he knows his cocks.

    Seriously, way to go, I didn't think anyone was going to guess it.


    Here's some more innuendo:

  • edited November 2008
    (7:43:56 PM) Ryan: senip
    (7:44:16 PM) Jacques: don't you mean sinep
    (7:44:30 PM) Ryan: ...
    (7:44:32 PM) Ryan: No.
    (7:44:36 PM) Ryan: Shut up
    (7:44:51 PM) Jacques: THERE GOES YOUR STREET CRED
  • edited November 2008
    Hey, anyone wanna join the pen-fifteen club?
  • edited November 2008
    biffibisquiby hmmm
    biffibisquiby in Link's Awakening, that song Ballad of the Wind Fish
    biffibisquiby is it one of the songs that comes up whe you're learning those sword techniques as a wolf?
    biffibisquiby you have to howl the melody they play?
    nothos927 Yep
    biffibisquiby lol
    biffibisquiby i remembered there was one I had never heard before
    biffibisquiby and it took me like 6 tries to get it right
    nothos927 Ah yes, I sometimes forget you're a gamer
    nothos927 What with the breasts
    biffibisquiby indeed
    biffibisquiby I'd never really paid attention to how few girls play as many games as I do
    nothos927 I'm sorry, but even in this progressive age, when I think woman, I think "Bitch, get in the kitchen and cook me a steak"
    biffibisquiby me too, me too
    biffibisquiby I just figure, hey, if I can do laundry, make you a sandwich, AND be good competition (but not quite as good) during a match in Melee?
    biffibisquiby perfect woman!
    nothos927 Works for me :D