How About a POKÉMON Hype Thread?
Pokemon Diamonond and Pearl are coming in a few months I believe. But the full roster of sprites are on the internet! I'm anticipating this game, altohug not as much as I did Twilight Princess. Go to , and go to the "D/P Pokedex"! Post your favorites so far! I like this one, it's an ice-type evolution of Eevee, Glacia:

That crazy Eevee and her multiple evolutions!

That crazy Eevee and her multiple evolutions!
Eh, I'm not a big fan of the "let's give all the old Pokemon even more evolutions" thing they've got going this time around. And Eevee has enough already, methinks.
I think these two are the winners:
Isn't this like the second time I've put a FOR SCIENCE subject in the conservatory on accident? Sorry...^^'
I haven't been paying attention to any of the Diamond/Pearl news. I kinda like being surprised when I get my new installment of Pokémon. This isn't to suggest I'm not excited, of course. The prospect of battling and trading Pokémon online is too awesome to bear. Do they have a US release date set yet?
April 22nd I think.
*rummaging noises*
EDIT: unfortunately not.
EDIT2: Oh wait, nevermind. the list isnt complete.
Not even close to a thousand. they added about a hundred each series.
but even with the couple extra hundred or so, i have to admit i still enjoy it
I admit, there are a lot of games.
Man, I might actually want this. I haven't played a Pokemon game in a long time.